How do I plant my Hairy pots?

Do I need to take the hairy pot off my new plant? 
Yes, it is best to take the plant out of the pot or to cut/tear away some of the coir if your new plant is really well rooted and it's hard to get the whole pot off. 
Removing the coir fibre pot helps the plants roots to connect with the garden soil or planter compost so they can get water and nutrition. 
When should I do this? 
It's especially important in late Spring and Summer when we are more likely to get long periods without rain.
What happens if I want to leave the pot on? 
It's not the end of the world if you do leave the pot on, but you will need to water regularly and make sure the soil or compost covers the rim of the pot. If the coir dries out it can act as a barrier between the plant roots and the soil/compost.
Should I water regularly? 
YES! Keep you new garden friend well watered and water regularly according to weather conditions after planting.
What shall I do with my coir fibre pot now? 
Fibre pots can be re-used (we sometimes do this on the nursery) or you can add them to your compost heap, tear them up and use them as mulch around plants, leave them out for birds to use as nesting material or pop them in your green bin.

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